Wedding in magical surroundings
With Denmark's most beautiful barn on the shore of the lake, the setting could not be made more beautiful and
Engestofte has quickly become a popular place among bridal couples.
With us, every wedding is a new celebration, with new wishes and the possibilities are many.
The wedding
The possibilities are many. You can either get married in Engestofte's own church with one of the country's most famous altars, have the wedding ceremony in Engestofte's private park along the shore of the lake or get married in the beautiful cathedral in Maribo and then sail with the tour boat Anemonen to Engestofte's private harbour.
The party
We help you plan the day so that everything is as you wish. We can help with everything from the bridal bouquet, photography, flower decorations, music, sailing, cocktails and everything that makes the wedding on the estate an unforgettable experience - for both the bride and groom and the wedding guests.
The food
At Engestofte Gods, we make handmade food. By that we mean handmade from scratch. Our raw materials must basically be organic, in season and preferably local. We have no doubt that you as guests can taste the difference and that is why we make the effort every time.
Price examples
Johan Jensen eller Tlf. 31 37 54 59