Program for Engestofte Christmas Market 2023

Below you can get a full overview of the activities at this year's Christmas market


The program for 2023 is not quite ready yet. We expect it to look something like this: 

All day - both days:

Visit Nissemo in the Adventure Cafe in Den Gamle Lade. Come and make your own Christmas decoration.

Visit Santa in the Old Water Tower. He listens to your Christmas gift wishes and gives sweets to all good children.

Ride the cozy little Christmas train around the breeding farm. There is room for both big and small.

Lire box man Bjarne Frederiksen spreads Christmas spirit around the estate with his fine old lire box.


At 12.30 - 15.30: Come into Loen and hear the fantastic music when A-Team plays and sings for us. You can read more about them here:

At 14.00: Experience the adorable children from Sct. Birgitta School when they go in the Lucia Procession at Engestofte and spread Christmas joy to us all.

At 10.00 - 16.00: You can experience our skilled lire box man Bjarne Frederiksen. He walks around the estate all day and spreads Christmas cheer with his cozy lyre box.


At 10.00 - 12.00: Visit us in Loen and hear Mörke's Sangduo, play lovely Christmas music.

At 14.00: Christmas service in Engestofte Church: Maybe singing the old Christmas carols together could be a good and pleasant end to the Christmas market? On Sunday at 2 pm there is a family Christmas service for everyone in Engestofte church right next to the Christmas market. Come and sing hymns to get everyone in the mood for Christmas Eve!